Sunday, February 16, 2014

My Thoughts: OffSeason Week #13

         Going four days without television or Internet is a terrible thing, much less without power. Especially when those four days are just a week before the greatest race of the NASCAR season. Well, that is what I have experienced these past few days. Winter Storm Pax hit the Southern part of the United States on Tuesday and my city was in the worst part of the storm, in my opinion. I woke up on Wednesday morning to a sheet of ice on the ground. Luckily, my grandmother still had power and I was able to stay with her, but my parents quickly lost power at our house. Wednesday night brought a little bit more freezing rain, but the worst was yet to come. As I woke up on Thursday, I had no television and no Internet at my grandmother's house. I was pretty nervous knowing the weekend brought the first racing action since November. The ice began to melt through Thursday and Friday, but my television and Internet was nowhere to be found even with us still having lights. Saturday morning brought no television and no Internet for the third straight day. I missed the ARCA race, but my aunt let his come over and watch the 2014 Sprint Unlimited. The race was great and I was extremely thankful she let us come over and watch it. Sunday once again brought the same story. I made it to Burger King with my parents and we were able to see the tail end of qualifying as the great story of Austin Dillon and the number three took the pole. Shortly after making it back to my grandmother's, we finally had cable and Internet come back. It was a huge relief for me with this next week being extremely important, but I do have some announcements.

           Unfortunately, because of the delay without NASCAR news, I will not have regular topics for this edition of my thoughts. I will save most of the topics for next week as we enter Daytona 500 Sunday. Still, I will refer to this as my thoughts to keep the offseason trend going. Also, I will not be able to post a story about qualifying from today, but I will have a story about the Sprint Unlimited today and a story about the ARCA race tomorrow after I finish watching it. The rest of the week will stay pretty much on the schedule I had in my mind so stay tuned for all those posts. Still, we remain only seven days away from the start of the 2014 season and The Great American Race: the Daytona 500. I am excited to see all kinds of story lines unfold. The story of Austin Dillon starting his rookie campaign in the number 3, the story of numerous underdogs hoping to win, and the story of Daytona 500 champions and our sport's champions looking to stand on top of the mountain once again are just a few. Only one word can describe the Daytona 500: amazing. I can not wait for the magic of Daytona and I hope you guys enjoy my writing based on it. Well, that is it for me and until we meet again.


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